
Travelled to the island of Mallorca for an internship 7 years ago
and fell in love with the characteristic landscape called “Macchia” and “Garriga”.
After her master’s thesis based on the minimalist style “Pla de Mallorca” she set herself the goal: to make the open spaces on Mallorca as sustainable and resource-saving as possible and also to work out the historical and traditional background of each room.
She worked on the island in design and technical drawing of the plans. With enthusiasm advises you individually on the use of plants, with priority given to endemic species.

German (native speaker) Spanish and English (advanced), Catalán (beginner)

mobilephone: +34(0)604 21 24 82



landscape arquitect (freelancer)

sep 2019 – april 2020

landscape architect


design + concept (Auto CAD y PS), presentacion (Id), hand drawing

Company: Son Muda


landscape architect (freelancer)


design + concept (Auto CAD y PS), Rendering ( PS) presentatcion (Id)

Company: Vinagrella + ReDesign

2018 – march 2019

landscape architect


design + presentation, sales and consulting of plants, head of small works + maintenance of private gardens, protocol of weekly meetings from bigger projects.

Company: Jardins de Tramuntana

 march 2017 – 2018

practical work landscape architect


design + concept, rendering with PS, consultation and sale of plants

Company: Jardins de Tramuntana

+ Masterthesis


Revitalization of regional structures in the Pla de Mallorca


Master of Engineering 

Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Erfurt, Germany

2014 – 2015

Master: Engineer of Science


Analysis for potential expansion for the tourism

development concept of the city Oelsnitz/ Erzgeb.

Company: C. Hein, Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Jacobistraße 7, 01309 Dresden

2010 – april 2014

Bachelor of Science

Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Dresden (HTW), Germany